Wednesday 24 June 2015


squirtle-he is super cute and is a water type turtle pokemon.usually squirtle is found in a group if he has no trainer.they are good companions.squirtle at times gets really strong and furious and could show his worst attacks.he is a one feet eight inch little turtle.squirtle is also one of the starter pokemons.

wartotle-wartotle is the next stage of evolves from water is stronger than squirtle . it has water waves n its ear and tail.when squirtle evolves into wartotle it learns new and more dangerous it evolves into blastoise.

blastoise-blastoise evolves with the water stone and is very big and has the strongest water attack.blastoise is very big and fat and is very powerfull.he is the last evolution stage of squirtle.


Friday 19 June 2015

oshawott-this pokemon is super cute.he looks like a complete teddy bear. he has a shelled back.he is a water type pokemon.oshawott is one of the starter pokemon in modern age.he evolves into dewott by water stone.

dewott-he is the evolved stage of oshawott. he is also very cute.he turns into samurott by water stone.

samurott-samurott is the last stage of oshawott.he looks nothing like a teddy bear and his attacks are very powerfull.he has a horn on his head.

oshawott                                           dewott                                                  samurott

pichu-so cute.this pokeon is very is the first stage of pikachu.if pichu gives an electric shock to a human one of the huans organ will get paralized. so cuteness with danger.a full pack.pichu evolves into pikachu with max friendship or in simpler words when he finds a very good friend.

pikachu-pikachu is a very cute pokemon who was earlier pichu.he has control over his powers and learns speed and swiftness in this stage.he learns new attacks and is a good friend.....he evolves into raichu with a thunderstone....

raichu-raichu is the evolved stage of pikachu and last stage of pichu.he is stronger than pikachu but if he was evolved early his speed and swiftness would be low.1 raichu thunderbolt = 1000 volts.raichus standard weight is 30 kgs...

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 pichu                                                pikachu                        raichu